
Pathway Grading Badges

All members are eligible to a free grading badge for each of the accredited grades under the Pathway grading scheme.

These are available from myself. If members confirm their SM marshal membership number and expected grade. I will return the relevant grading badges.

Currently I have enough badges to cover 50% of the membership. If you do not receive your grading badge members will get their badges with their annual membership at the beginning of next season. 

If any members are attending the following meetings at BDC 12th August and 19th & 20th 750MC at Silverstone if they let me know I can distribute the badges.

Adrian Cashmore

South Midlands Regalia

SAVE THE DATE: South Midlands Annual Regional Dinner and AGM

We have started making the arrangements for our Annual Regional Dinner, which this year is planned to be held on Saturday October 28th
The location is yet to be finalised, but it will be somewhere close to Silverstone so those of you marshalling at the Birkett Relay Race will be able to join us after the racing finishes. Members’ Guests are also welcome, and as usual BMMC will be offering a contribution against the cost of the meal for members.
We are also planning to hold our Annual Regional AGM immediately before the dinner.
Further information will be available soon.

Proposed Articles of Association and Club Rules

Shortly every member of BMMC should receive an invitation to attend and vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to adopt revised Articles of Association and Club Rules; the club’s principles of Governance. The meeting will take place online on the 5th September and the invite will contain copies of the revised Articles of Association, Club Rules and a new Standing Order for BRMC together with instructions on how to join the meeting.

I urge every member to attend and vote, if only because this is your club and you should have a say in how it is governed.

So why are we having to change our Articles and Rules? To put it simply a number of contradictions have become evident, some rules said one thing but the Articles either did not allow that or they implied something else. In addition it was felt some Articles would be better expressed as Rules and vice versa. It was also clear that BRMC needed a set of Standing Orders that sat below the Articles and Rules and addressed matters relevant to them.

A Working Group was established to undertake a fundamental review both the Articles and the associated Rules and Marion Quarrington and my self were invited to be in the group. It was chaired by our National Secretary John Edwards ably assisted by Elizabeth Anderson, a professional Governance consultant and BMMC member who provided advice FOC.

It quickly became apparent that some changes were required in how the club was administered. Elizabeth initially felt that there were too many Directors and Executive Officers for a small company and that Regional Chairs could have a conflict of interest between their role as Director and head of region. The Group felt strongly, that members interests should continue to be directly represented at Board level so it has been decided that Regional Chairs should remain as Directors and be fully briefed on their responsibilities to the club as a whole and the region. As they are elected by members they are best placed to represent them. However, the “Executive Officers” are not elected, they are appointed by Council and the title does not reflect their role, which in most cases is to be a national co-ordinator for a function. It has been proposed that they are instead called Co-ordinators and although remaining on Council they will not have the same voting rights as Directors who will form the Board. So in essence the National Chair, Secretary, Treasurer together with the Regional Chairs and the Chair of any Special Interest Group (BRMC) will comprise the Management Board and Council will consist of the Management Board and the Co-ordinators.

Elizabeth also felt it is good management practice to have a process that requires a turnover of officials at governance level so that the company does not stagnate and is open to fresh ideas and initiatives. The new Articles/Rules propose that all officials are elected for a three year term and if willing to continue must offer themselves for re-election every three years but can only serve a maximum of nine years before they must stand down for at least a year.

So to sum up, BMMC will be run by a Board of Directors (The Board), supported by Co-ordinators for day to day management (Council). Regions and Special Interest Groups will be managed by a committee elected by BMMC Members and led by a Chairman who is a Director and member of the Board. The rules for electing the National Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer have not changed but they are also obliged to stand for re-election every three years with a maximum term of nine years. As always the devil is in the detail so read the new Articles and Club Rules carefully before you attend the EGM. If you have any questions please forward them to me or Marion in the first instance.

Chris Whitlock

BRDC Motor Sport Charity

The BRDC Motor Sport Charity, formerly the BRDC Benevolent Fund, was established in November 2000. Initially formed to support BRDC Members only, start-up funding was provided by a small number of generous benefactors including the British Racing Drivers’ Club and its members. In 2006, the Fund extended its reach to include people and their families who work or have worked, both in a paid and voluntary capacity, in the Motor Sport industry. In early 2018 the fund re-launched as the BRDC Motor Sport Charity. The aim of the charity is to support people in times of need due to ill-health, disability or financial hardship.
Recent Chairman, David Richards CBE, said: ‘Marshals play a vital role in the success and safety of our industry, from grass roots motor sport to Formula One and everything in between. We want them to know that we are here to offer support to them when it is needed.’
The current Chair is Dario Franchitti and along with Chriss Bliss and Ian Holloway, they make up the three Trustees of the Charity.
The BMMC representative at meetings is Stephen Woolfe and is happy to talk about the charity, however, ideally if you would like to know more, visit the website at or you can speak in confidence to the charity’s Facilitator, Jenny Brown. She can be contacted on 07801 441695 or email:

BMMC South Midlands Committee Vacancies

This year we are aware that there will be some positions on the regional committee made vacant by recent resignations, but I am also acutely aware that some members are responsible for more than one role and I would like to spread the work a bit more evenly. Having said that, we also need to plan ahead, the new Governance arrangements are going to insist that the period of time committee posts are held is limited; see Governance Working Group article elsewhere in this newsletter. We need to do some succession planning.

So what does being a committee member involve and how do you become one? Well most of the committee roles are administrative, that is keeping records up to date, issuing advice and updates on procedures. Currently we meet virtually using Zoom, on the first Monday of the month for an hour or so in the evening. However, there are occasions when we need to meet collectively to deliver a service for the members. That might be to man a recruitment stand or to help to deliver training. But don’t worry, we are volunteers and nothing is compulsory. We also understand that you join the club to go marshalling, not to sit at a desk drafting letters or updating procedures.

How do you become a committee member? Officially you are nominated and elected by BMMC members of a region as a committee member at their Annual General Meeting (AGM). You do not necessarily need to belong to that region but it is preferred you are. Roles and duties are usually assigned at the first committee meeting after the AGM. You can also be co-opted on to a committee at any time to fill a recently vacated role, but your official membership of the committee does not commence until it is ratified at the AGM even if you are delivering a co-opted role in the interim. You are nominally elected for a three-year term and the new Governance arrangements would limit you to a maximum of three terms, i.e. nine years. But at the risk of repeating myself, we are volunteers, you can quit at any time, but remain “in post” until the next AGM.

You will hopefully have noted that we are currently looking for a new Training Officer and our Membership Secretary has very recently advised of his decision to resign at our regional AGM in October. From time to time we do issue notices of such vacancies but we do not expect anyone to jump into a post without some knowledge of what they are letting themselves in for. We have detailed job descriptions for each committee role and we strongly recommend that you attend a committee meeting or two before you make any commitment to join.

We are a friendly group of like-minded souls in South Mids and are always happy to meet members and discuss their issues. We need to know what members think about the club and what we are doing. If you are interested in getting involved please contact Marion Quarrington at and she can send you job descriptions and invites to committee meetings.

Being a Committee member might sound incredibly boring but we seem to enjoy ourselves and we do get involved in setting the marshalling world right. We would welcome your involvement.

Chris Whitlock

Guide to Volunteering

With thanks to the BMMC South East team, here is a quick guide of how to access the BMMC Volunteering site and select events you want to volunteer for.

Step 1: Go to the Volunteering Site

First, head over to BMMC Online Volunteering site and enter your BMMC username and password. You can also reach this site from the regional pages by clicking on the Volunteering link on the menu.

Log-on screen

Log into the system with your BMMC details.

Step 2: View the available events

Once logged in, the system takes you to the main page. From here, the system will show you every event that is taking place in the UK. To make it easy to find the circuit you want to volunteer at, just select the drop down bar for all circuits and select the circuit you are interested in. This will then show all the events for that circuit. You can also show the events per region or select the type of event.

List of events

Click on any event to see the details, and to volunteer.

At the top of the page, you can see all your selected events by clicking My Calendar, or you can download all events for your Calendar (for instance Outlook) by clicking ICS Calendar.

Step 3: Volunteer for an event

Once you have selected the event you wish to volunteer for, you will see the event expand and give you several options to choose from. In the example below, I have selected a BRSCC event at Silverstone. From here, you can select the duty you would like to volunteer for and give consent for your personal data to be given to the organising club and its Chief Marshal. Then hit ‘register’.

If you have a preference for a duty at a particular event, or you are wishing to undertake an upgrade, it is best to email the Chief Marshal as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment. You can find their email address on the same event page, underneath the register button.

If you have already volunteered for the event directly through the organising club, all you need to select in the “Volunteered with organising Club,” give consent and then hit register. This will mean you are now covered under the insurance you have with the BMMC.

Selected event page

The system will show you a green confirmation box at the top of the page. This confirms that you have submitted an application to volunteer for the event you selected. By following the same process, you can choose further events to volunteer during the rest of the year.

When you go back to the list of events, you will see the ‘Volunteer for event’ button has now changed to green and shows ‘Duty (e.g. flag) Volunteered’

Award win for Marion Quarrington!

It was great to hear that Marion Quarrington, Secretary for the BMMC South Midlands Region, has been awarded Marshal of the Year by Hunts Kart Club at Kimbolton. It is a great recognition of her contribution to marshalling in general and the Kimbolton team specifically.

Congratulations Marion!!

Future Training Officer Vacancy

It is with great sadness, that I announce my intentions that the 2023 training days will be the last that I organise and we are beginning the process of finding my replacement as training officer.

Unfortunately my life is currently too busy to sustain everything I have going on and this means it won’t be possible for me to do all the behind the scenes work for a training day and it is only going to get busier over the next couple of years.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 3 years of training days that I have run so far, they have all been extremely different due to the pressures of the time and I hope that our 2023 days will be the best yet and a high point for me to bow out as training officer.

I will be remaining as a Motorsport UK trainer and will be supporting our new regional training officer as a trainer and as a guide through all the paperwork required.

If you are interested in taking on the role, see below for the job description.

If you want to know more about what the role entails please contact me on and I will be happy to talk you though the role and my experiences.

It would be great to get our next training officer in place as soon as possible as you will then be able to attend our planning meetings for 2023 and attend the days to learn the role.


BMMC SM Training Officer

Annual Awards 2022

We announced the South Midlands annual awards after the AGM on 29 October.

This year our Member of the Year is Ian Greenwood, a Track Marshal at Silverstone. Ian has demonstrated that, despite suffering a serious illness, he has persevered with marshalling in 2022 and has provided strong leadership and guidance for new marshals on his own initiative. Unfortunately Ian was not able to join us in the evening, but had been surprised by being presented with his award by Chris at sign-on for the Birkett that morning.

Ian Greenwood receiving trophy

Our New Marshal of the Year, and recipient of the Lesley Harris Trophy, is Ian Whiting, a Trainee Track Marshal at Silverstone. Ian readily offered to take on a committee role when the grading officer post became vacant and, despite having the challenge of adapting to the new marshals pathway, has offered sound advice and answers to queries regarding grading issues. Ian received his trophy after the AGM from June Copeland.

Ian Whiting receiving trophy