Future Training Officer Vacancy

It is with great sadness, that I announce my intentions that the 2023 training days will be the last that I organise and we are beginning the process of finding my replacement as training officer.

Unfortunately my life is currently too busy to sustain everything I have going on and this means it won’t be possible for me to do all the behind the scenes work for a training day and it is only going to get busier over the next couple of years.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the 3 years of training days that I have run so far, they have all been extremely different due to the pressures of the time and I hope that our 2023 days will be the best yet and a high point for me to bow out as training officer.

I will be remaining as a Motorsport UK trainer and will be supporting our new regional training officer as a trainer and as a guide through all the paperwork required.

If you are interested in taking on the role, see below for the job description.

If you want to know more about what the role entails please contact me on sm.training@marshals.co.uk and I will be happy to talk you though the role and my experiences.

It would be great to get our next training officer in place as soon as possible as you will then be able to attend our planning meetings for 2023 and attend the days to learn the role.


BMMC SM Training Officer