Motorsport needs your help….

I’ve just completed the Public consultation on REFIT Review of Directive 2009/103/EC on motor insurance (VNUK) – this is the one that could effectively shut down all motorsport in Europe overnight.

If you have an interest in motorsport and want to do something to help, then complete the Survey (you have until 20th October).

Link to EUSurvey :…/cons…/finance-2017-motor-insurance_en

Link to useful notes to help you complete it with specific relation to motorsport:…/miaresponseguidancetovnukmideucons…

Notes are from the Motorsport Industry Association and endorsed by the MSA

All MSA Registered members (drivers and marshals) should have received an email from the MSA about this.

For any fans of BTCC, Formula1, WEC, WTCC, WRC, WRX and possibly BSB, WSB, MotoGP – this could affect all these as well. If you feel strongly, complete the survey.