
BMMC SW Region Training Day 2018

It gives me great pleasure to inform everybody that the regions marshals training day has been confirmed as the 10th March 2018 at the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection (BDAC), Old Sarum Airfield, Salisbury.

The full address of the venue is: Hangar 1, Old Sarum Airfield, Old Sarum, Salisbury SP4 6DZ.

Please note that this is not at Boscombe Down Airfield, despite the Boscombe Aviation Museum name.

This is the same venue that we used in 2017 and the club wishes to thank the curators at BDAC and Gareth at Patrex Safety Solutions for hosting us and providing a venue suitable for training.

In order to attract as many marshals to our training day and also to cater for as many disciplines as possible please take note of the following timings:

Sign on for all marshals will be from 0800.

If you are a Kart Marshal: Sign on will be from 0800. The day will finish at 1600.

If you are not a kart marshal:
Sign on will be from 0800. The morning is dedicated to multi-discipline training, after lunch will be the Kart specific training. You are free to stay for the morning and undertake the multi-discipline training or for the whole day.

If you are an Experienced Kart Marshal (or upgrading to this grade): Sign on will be from 0800. The day will finish at 1600.

The morning sessions will be dedicated to:

  • Fire Theory & Fire Practical
  • First Marshal on Scene (FMOS) including Basic Life Support

These modules apply to all disciplines, so even if you’re not a kart marshal, you are still more than welcome to attend the morning of the training day and gain these signatures or to refresh your knowledge on these modules. You will still be entitled to lunch and you will have the opportunity to learn more about the karting discipline should you wish too.

Training for Experienced Kart Marshals will be conducted in the afternoon and will cover:

  • Flag
  • Communications
  • Report Writing
  • Leadership

How do I apply?

  • Email myself directly with your name, MSA ID (If known) and any specific dietary requirements at alexhodgkinson@live.co.uk or sw.training@marshals.co.uk
  • Volunteer through the BMMC Volunteering system
  • Volunteer through marshals.org.uk

If at any point you are unsure if your request has been received, please email me at the above addresses.

I look forward to welcoming you all in 2018!


Alex Hodgkinson

South West Regional Training Officer


Kart Marshals Training Day on the 10th March 2018

It gives me great pleasure in confirming that the South West will be holding a kart marshals training day on the10th March 2018.

Every year the south west region organises a bespoke training day for a particular motorsport discipline so that the marshals can remain up to date on the latest procedures within the sport and also network amongst other marshalling organisations and marshals from various circuits and disciplines.

Marshals training days are an important component of motorsport – ensuring events run smoothly and safely for all concerned; as well as providing quality opportunities for individuals to develop their own skills and knowledge in all disciplines and activities, as well as obtaining the relevant signatures to support upgrade applications.

We will be once again taking advantage of the training facilities at Old Sarum Airfield in Salisbury where we have access to indoor and outdoor areas where the training is delivered as well as the fire fighting training area on site to allow marshals to undertake practical fire fighting training under the watchful eye of the airfield fire service. A free lunch to all attendees will be provided and there will also be free tea and coffee available all day.

All of the instructors at the training day are MSA Licensed Trainers and will be delivering the latest content from the MSA training syllabus. Any marshal in possession of a Kart Personal Record Card (PRC) should bring this with them so that the training signatures can be signed by the licensed trainers.

I look forward to seeing you and your marshals in 2018!

Motorsport needs your help….

I’ve just completed the Public consultation on REFIT Review of Directive 2009/103/EC on motor insurance (VNUK) – this is the one that could effectively shut down all motorsport in Europe overnight.

If you have an interest in motorsport and want to do something to help, then complete the Survey (you have until 20th October).

Link to EUSurvey : https://ec.europa.eu/…/cons…/finance-2017-motor-insurance_en

Link to useful notes to help you complete it with specific relation to motorsport: http://www.the-mia.com/…/miaresponseguidancetovnukmideucons…

Notes are from the Motorsport Industry Association and endorsed by the MSA

All MSA Registered members (drivers and marshals) should have received an email from the MSA about this.

For any fans of BTCC, Formula1, WEC, WTCC, WRC, WRX and possibly BSB, WSB, MotoGP – this could affect all these as well. If you feel strongly, complete the survey.

End of Year – Nominations

BMMC South West Award Nominations now open

As we draw towards the end of the season, it’s time to start reflecting on the events we have done, and the people we have worked with throughout the season.

Within the BMMC South West Region, we like to recognise those people who have made a special mark on the year, and as such, we have three trophies that are awarded. Normally, the recipients are decided at our AGM, but this year, we thought we would try something different and ask you for nominations.

We have three awards available, and what follows is a short description of each.

Our first trophy is the Bellini Trophy for outstanding services to marshalling. This trophy was awarded to Paul Wiltshire last year for his sterling work in holding several committee positions.

Our second award is for the New Marshal of the Year which is open to people who have been marshalling just two years and who have showed a dedication or enthusiasm and demonstrated a keen interest in learning and ability whilst on post.
Our final award is for Cadet Marshal of the Year. This award is open to any young marshals below the age of 18 who again are showing a keen interest in the sport.
This is where we need your help – we want you to nominate people who you think are deserving of consideration for the awards. Anyone you nominate must be a BMMC South West Member (don’t worry if you are not sure, we can check when you send their name in).
Send your nominations, along with a few words of which award you are nominating for and why you believe your nomination should be chosen to me at sw.media@marshals.co.uk
Nominations need to be received by midnight on 15th October – that’s gives you two weeks to have a think and put your nominations forward.
Award winners will be announced at our AGM on 29th October – the time and venue of that event will be sent out shortly.
Good luck and get nominating,
David Patrick

Race of Remembrance: Anglesey – November – IS ON!!

Error Correction.

Due to an error the dates for the Race of Remembrance weekend at Anglesey were temporarily removed from the BMMC Volunteering System.

If you previously volunteered for this event you may have received an email advising that the event was cancelled – THIS IS INCORRECT and the event is still going ahead 🙂

Please can you therefore check your BMMC volunteering account and re-volunteer for this event if appropriate – just login at www.marshals.co.uk/volunteering

We apologise for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused

BMMC IT Officer

New Range of Branded Teamwear for BMMC Members

We are delighted to announce that the BMMC is launching a new range of TEAMWEAR.

These items have been specifically selected to wear alongside your everyday marshalling kit or as stand alone items.

The clothing logo has been selected alongside the website address to give a clear identity and brand image. Take a look at the redesigned regalia section of the website – https://www.marshals.co.uk/regalia/

See main news aticle: https://www.marshals.co.uk/blog/bmmc-teamwear/

SW Speed Training – update

A message from Alex Hodgkinson – Training:

After the success of our training day in March I am very encouraged by the feedback I received. It is important that we tailor our training to your needs and your feedback is important, so if you still have any questions or anything you’d like to discuss then please get in touch.

I am aware of a few marshals who are missing signatures from their Personal Record Card. I would urge you all to check your PRCs and ensure you have received the right amount of signatures for the modules you completed. These were:

First Marshal On Scene (FMOS)
Fire Theory
Flag & Communication
Report Writing

If you are missing these signatures but you received a certificate from myself on the day then this does count as a “signature” and when you come to upgrade, simply forward a copy of this certificate to the MSA and they will accept this as evidence.

If you did not receive a signature and you are missing signatures in your PRC then email me at sw.training@marshals.co.uk with your full name as it appears on your PRC and your MSA ID number and postal address and I will get a certificate sent to you asap.

If you’re unsure simply get in touch and I’ll hopefully point you in the right direction.

Furthermore, despite me promising to take pictures of everyone I totally forgot! So, if anyone did take any, please feel free to upload them to social media and tag either BMMC South West on facebook or mention @BMMC_SW on twitter. Alternatively, email them to me as an attachment to sw.training@marshals.co.uk

Regards Alex