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Marshal Assessment Guidance

Find attached useful check lists when applying for or undertaking upgrade assessments (race and specialist). Competence to upgrade is classified using ‘KASE’ – Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Experience.
When a marshal has completed sufficient meetings to obtain the necessary attendance signatures on their record card, and have also successfully completed the required training modules, they should ask for an end of upgrade assessment at their next event. It is hoped the organising club will be able to facilitate the assessment, but there may well be occasions when there is not a suitable examining grade available and the marshal may have to ask for their assessment at a later event.
The marshal should ask the chief marshal, or whoever signs on the marshals at the event, to allocate them to an examining specialist, post chief, speed or kart marshal. Assessment procedure

  1. The marshal must inform the officials at sign on that they are seeking an upgrade assessment.
  2. The club will do its best to allocate the marshal to a post/position where there is an examining official present.
  3. No more than two marshals seeking assessment should be allocated to any one post.
  4. On arrival at their post the marshal must present their record card to the examining official before commencing their duties.
  5. The assessor will look at the attendance section of the record card for any positive or negative comments.
  6. The marshal must be allocated to the duty for which they are seeking an upgrade.
  7. During the day the assessor will observe the marshal performing their duties and will make sufficient notes to allow for a debrief session at the end of the day.
  8. Should the assessor note any adverse behaviours they should inform the marshal as soon as possible during the day so that the marshal can apply any corrective or improved actions.
  9. At some point during the day the assessor will conduct an assessment interview with the marshal (max length 30 minutes). This does not need to be a single period; it can be an ongoing process throughout the day. The actual assessment process can be a learning/teaching experience.
  10. At the end of the day the assessor will hold a debrief with the marshal and discuss their performance and the results of the assessment.
  11. The assessor will record their comments in the marshal’s record card and sign accordingly. An upgrade signature is not automatic. If the assessor does not consider the marshal is ready for an upgrade they will say so and record the reasons on the record card together with their recommendations for corrective actions.

If you require a laminated copy, or further clarification, please contact the BMMC (SE) RGO – Andy Bumstead andybumstead72@gmail.com

KASE for Specialist

KASE for Circuit