B.M.M.C. (South East Region) – 2023 AWARDS

  1. Marshal of the Year – The Marshal of the Year Trophy is awarded to a current BMMC member of SE Region for performance in the current season.
    Awarded to: David Blyth
  2. Trainee/Cadet M.O.T.Y (Hastings 1066 Car Club Trophy) – The Trainee or Cadet Marshal of the Year Trophy is awarded to a current BMMC member of SE Region for performance in the current season.
    Awarded to: Tom Pledger
  3. John Davallou Trophy – The John Davallou Trophy is awarded to a Brands Hatch ‘regular’ who is considered to have been a marshals’ role model over several years.
    Awarded to: Tony Almond
  4. Norrie Bergin Trophy – The Norrie Bergin Trophy is awarded to a current BMMC member of SE Region who is considered to have been a marshals’ role model over several years.
    Awarded to: Keith Wright
  5. Bryan Degerlund Trophy – The Bryan Degerlund Trophy is awarded to a current BMMC member, and Pitlane/Specialist Marshal of SE Region who is considered to have been a marshals’ role model over several years.
    Awarded to: Pete Thompson