BRDC Motor Sport Charity

BRDC Charity

The BRDC Motor Sport Charity, formerly the BRDC Benevolent Fund, was established in November 2000. Initially formed to support BRDC Members only, start-up funding was provided by a small number of generous benefactors including the British Racing Drivers’ Club and its members. In 2006, the Fund extended its reach to include people and their families who work or have worked, both in a paid and voluntary capacity, in the Motor Sport industry. In early 2018 the fund re-launched as the BRDC Motor Sport Charity. The aim of the charity is to support people in times of need due to ill-health, disability or financial hardship.

Recent Chairman, David Richards CBE, said: ‘Marshals play a vital role in the success and safety of our industry, from grass roots motor sport to Formula One and everything in between. We want them to know that we are here to offer support to them when it is needed.’

The current Chair is Dario Franchitti and along with Chriss Bliss and Ian Holloway, they make up the three Trustees of the Charity.

The BMMC representative at meetings is Stephen Woolfe and is happy to talk about the charity, however, ideally if you would like to know more, visit the website at or you can speak in confidence to the charity’s Facilitator, Jenny Brown. She can be contacted on 07801 441695 or email: