Barrie Williams Trophy

This is our oldest trophy awarded to our Marshal of the Year.

Presented to the club in the 1970’s by the Unipart Company.

BMMC Council has decided to rename this trophy in honour of our late President Barrie ‘Whizzo’ Williams.

Winners names are also sent forward to the Motorsport UK for their JLT Volunteer of the Year award.

Barrie Williams Trophy
Barrie Williams Trophy
Date Winner
2023 Colin Barnes
2022 David Dray
2021 Margaret Simpson
2020 David Joyce
2019 Bob Sketchley
2018 Bill Gray
Unipart Trophy Winners
2017  Ian Clare
2016 Dan Brough
2015 Fay & Alan Crook
2014 Ben Irons
2013 Sue and Chris Whitlock
2012 Paul Sutcliffe
2011 Andy Holley
2010 Mildred Wiltshire
2009 Nadine Lewis
2008 Fay Crook
2007 Team Wilson (Peter & Hilary Wilson, Ken Wilson & Maureen Barnes)
2006 Paul Harris
2004 Peter Wilson
2003 Stephen Green
2002 John Newman
2001 Stan Hunt
2000 Colin Rossborough
1998 Robert Rae
1997 Dale Andrew Whiteman
1996 Colman Gilligan
1995 Chris Gwilliam
1994 John Watt
1993 Peter Broxup
1992 Andrew Hedley
1991 Adrian Fawdington
1990 Andrew Large
1989 Lawrence Edwards
1988 Alan Brown
1987 Bob Lentell
1986 Paul Butt
1985 Geoff Hemingway
1984 John Wood
1983 Audrey Watt
1982 Terry Mansell
1981 Jon Tillott
1980 David Barnes
1979 Richard Fraser
1978 John Felix