Race with respect

Posted on in News

For the vast majority of us, we experience very positive and mutually respectful relationships with those we come into contact with at racetracks across the country week in week out.  

However, on the odd, rare occasion things don’t always go so smoothly and now and again we hear reports of behaviour we would not expect or want to experience when undertaking what is in essence our hobby.

It is therefore reassuring that Motorsport UK want to encourage a positive environment, on and off the track, and a socially-minded standard of behaviour is expected from everyone within the motorsport community. 

By participating in a Motorsport UK event, in any capacity, you are agreeing to follow the values of the governing body’s Respect Code:

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Fair Play
  • Self-control
  • Good Manners

We therefore ask all BMMC members to support the Motorsport UK pledge to #RaceWithRespect and:

  • Contribute to a welcoming and friendly environment that ensures the safety and welfare of all participants
  • Always behave with integrity and uphold fairness in the sport; play your part in keeping the sport safe through your actions
  • Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background, language, religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity or other status
  • Recognise that we all represent the sport and therefore have a duty to be polite and respectful to all staff, officials, competitors, volunteers, as well as fans and supporters
  • Respect the rules, regulations and authority of the officials and Motorsport UK

Breaching the above obligations may result in disciplinary action.

If you are subjected to or witness behaviour not in keeping with this pledge you can raise it directly with Motorsport UK via their reporting tool (which can be anonymous) for individuals and clubs which can be downloaded here www.motorsportuk.org/racewithrespect  and goes to a central team for review.