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Happy Christmas from BMMC
As we enter the festive season and the end of 2024 we would like to wish all of our members and your families a very happy Christmas and thank you for your continued dedication as volunteers in supporting motorsport in its many forms, both in the UK and overseas.  

Whilst Christmas is a period of great joy for many, it can also bring challenges for others. Remember BMMC members have access to a counselling service provided by DAS. This is available 24hour on 01179342112 , policy number 100580442CCI. Other helpful services include Samaritans, MIND and Anxiety UK.
National AGM 
The 67th Annual General Meeting of the British Motorsports Marshals Club took take place this year on Sunday 1st December 2024. Huge thanks to TV presenter and Club Ambassador Paul O’Neill, who shared  his insights into racing and marshalling.
Minutes of the meeting have been posted on the BMMC website for your information 
Financial and Insurance
A quick review of the finances throughout 2024.
The Club’s financial position at Nov 2024 is a profit of £6,743 – which is slightly less than the planned profit of £9,021.
Membership income was £3,389 higher (6%) with c£2,000 non recoverable due to funding of Life Membership.
The loss of Tiga’s sponsorship and an issue with REIS was a blow to our finances, however with the support of our sponsors we are able to still fully subsidise overalls, with the Club contributing around £8,000. The club is very grateful to those organisations who are still supporting us, namely:-  Prodrive, NGK, CSCC, GGR Motorsport, Polyflor, Cataclean, and Ginetta.
Regalia sales more than doubled to £3,854 thanks to the efforts of Adrian Liddiment and his team of Regional Regalia Officers. Race income was down £2,160 which led to a loss on the Sprints of £1,030. Overall, other than Insurance costs, club costs were much lower than the previous year.
Going into 2025, not all of our sponsors have renewed as yet, and we could be looking at a further £10,000 contribution from the Club to ensure marshals’ overalls are fully sponsored.
Despite that, our overall finances remain in good health.
If anyone has any good ideas/contacts for new sponsorship, then please let Steve Woolfe nat.treasurer@marshals.co.uk. or Adrian Liddiment  nat.regalia@marshals.co.uk  know.
As normal, rallying continues through the winter 

  • Sunday 13th   TW251 Knutsford & District Motor Club          
  • Saturday 18th The MJG Engineering Brands Hatch Winter Stages
  • Saturday 18th ME Rallysport Showground Stages   
  • Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th            J.J. Brown Memorial Road Rally 2025           
  • Thursday 23rd – Sunday 26th            Rally Monte Carlo       
  • Friday 24th & Saturday 25th Far North Winter Classic Targa Rally
  • Sunday 19th Albermarle Targa Rally Whickham & District Motor Club/Newcastle area 

For more information please see https://brmc.org.uk/contacts

Membership and Grading 
We have now hit the 3000 member mark, welcome to all those who have joined us in 2024.  
For those who renew via direct debit, a reminder these payments will be taken in early January. 
Congratulations to the following members who have upgraded:
·       Adrian Cross                          Off Track Grade 1
·       Charles Vye                            Race Grade 1
·       Martin Balaam                        Race Grade 1
·       Phillip Wright                          Race Grade 1
·       Mathew Petch                         Race Grade 1
·       Emma Hunter                         Race Grade 1
·       Steven Surridge                      Race Grade 2
·       Daren Buffey                          Speed Grade 1
·       Sue Allsopp                            Speed Grade 1
·       Keith Miller                             Speed Grade 3
Motorsport UK re-Registration – ( from Motorsport UK Marshal Bulletin
Please remember to re-register with Motorsport UK . Please see the instructions taken from Marshal News  
If you haven’t recently logged into your account please use https://www.motorsportuk.org/login/ go to MEMBERS LOGIN and then put your email address and click on Forgot Password? to be sent a reset password link. However if you do not receive it please check your Spam Folder first before emailing marshals@motosportuk.org and they will forward your request to Membership.
Once logged into the Motorsport Management platform, please go to Edit Profile and upload a headshot which will be used for your Marshal Registration card only and held on your record. 
Then go to Marshal Registrations. For each discipline held, please click on the green Current and then work through the questions. Once you have renewed, you will see that the date has changed from Valid To 31/12/2024 to Valid To 31/12/2025.
You will also receive an email with your digital card showing the Marshal Registration; this can also be requested by clicking on the three dots to the righthand side of the Registration Type and then use Resend Marshal Registration Email for each of the grades held.
Your 2025 Motorsport UK Marshal Registration card will be sent out to you later this month, however please remember that your 2024 cards are valid until 31/12/2024.
If you are marshalling with a colleague who does not have access to emails, and they would like a renewal form posted to them, with their permission do please  email  marshals@motorsportuk.org  and MUK will put a form in the post to them
Keep an eye out for your reginal training dates , these are being arranged by your Regional Training Officers currently in preparation for the 2025 season. 
Autosport International 9-12 January 2025
Why not start your 2025 off with a visit to Autosport International at the Birmingham NEC. Remember , as a Motorsport UK member, you can get £15 off your ticket by using the code Fifteen.

This year includes a celebration of 75 years of Formula 1 plus many other key attractions.  The BMMC stand will be in Hall 3, manned by our volunteers over the 4 days. 
Enjoy the festive break, and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025.
Please provide any feedback on the BMMC club news to nat.secretary@marshals.co.uk
John Edwards 
National Secretary 
07800 587391