BMMC Personal Accident Insurance
The BMMC policy only provides top-up cover (lower figures) on the Motorsport UK policy for members injured at events covered by a Motorsport UK Permit or Certificate of Exemption in the UK. Cover includes travel to and from the event.
The BMMC policy provides 100% cover for members marshalling/officiating at “approved” events non-Motorsport UK events. This is taken to mean events at properly licensed circuits or venues and operated by responsible organisations, i.e. no “cowboy” events. Cover is for both home and overseas events and travel to and from such events.
Summary of key terms only (full details available upon request) –
Accidental bodily injury resulting in: | [A] | [B] |
Death | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Loss of Sight in 1 or both eyes | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Loss of hearing in 1 ear | £1,875 | £16,250 |
Loss of hearing in both ears | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Loss of 1 or more limbs | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Loss of speech | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Permanent Total Disablement | £7,500 | £65,000 |
Temporary Total Disablement (TTD): Lesser of | £100 or 100% weekly wage | £350 or 100% weekly wage |
- Maximum benefit 104 weeks (1st 7 days not covered)
- Medical Expenses up to 25% of death benefit cover (max £25,000).
- Hospitalisation £50 per day (max £750)
- Max benefit for any one insured person £65,000
- TTD £350 per week
Cover is available only to fully paid-up members at the time of an incident/injury.
Remember when you sign-on for any event you are declaring yourself to be physically and mentally fit to undertake your role/duty.
Any evidence of alcohol or drug intake may invalidate a claim. You should also take full advantage of any safety facilities and protection whilst marshalling. Other conditions may apply.
Weekly payments for Temporary Total Disablement may not be paid until final medical certificates are received but in the case of long term injury, stage payments can be arranged.
Details of any claim must be advised promptly by email to all National Officers –
You should provide any official/medical reports from the venue where the incident happened, plus any subsequent reports from your own medical attendant. Our brokers will provide a claim form to complete and handle the process.
Always quote your BMMC membership number.
You should also confirm that a claim has been made on the Motorsport UK policy if the event was run under their licence.
An upper age limit of 85 applies
The Sum Insured for Accidental Death is limited (by UK law) to £10,000 for minors (under 16).
As we always have to remind you, the foregoing is the Club’s interpretation of cover provided and any insurance claims will be subject to assessment by the Insurers’ Loss Assessors at the time of any incident.
Personal Accident Insurances
The following is an explanation of the categories relating to our Personal Accident Insurances.
It is not exhaustive and whether an event is covered will be up to the Underwriters.
Category A
This covers any marshals at a motorsport event, where Motorsport UK have issued a Permit to the event or any event run and authorised by the FIA or run and organised by the local governing body recognised by the FIA (so includes overseas GP’s).
This policy is a top-up to the main policy held by Motorsport UK.
The policy doesn’t include travel cover as a traditional travel policy would, however, the Personal Accident benefits would be paid if you were injured traveling to and from an event.
Category B
This cover is for Non Motorsport UK events where a Permit was not required by the Organisers, who are Non-Motorsport UK Registered Clubs.
If they are registered with Motorsport UK, then only those events classified as “Social Runs” ( ie non competitive and for the camaraderie of the participants) will come under Category B. Any other than a Social Run requires a Permit and therefore falls in Category A.
Again the policy doesn’t include travel cover as a traditional travel policy would, however, the Personal Accident benefits would be paid if you were injured traveling to and from an event.
Non-Motorsport UK Registered Club
Emergency Medical Repatriation
This is an additional policy that will cover Emergency Medical Repatriation and runs in addition to the Personal Accident/Injury cover.