Secretary vacancy

Posted on in News

In accordance with Club Rule J.2. Election of Officers,  John Edwards,  National Secretary will stand down at the 2024 AGM as a result of completing a 3 year term of office.

Should any member  wish to stand for election to the role of National Secretary please submit the following information by email to by 21st June 2024 at 5pm:

 (a)       Confirmation that they are eligible under Article 29, including that they are a Full or Life Member, their Grade (being above that of Registered Marshal), and list any other BMMC roles currently held.

(b)       Confirmation of their understanding that on election to the role, they will take on responsibilities as a company director under the Companies Act, and their willingness and legal eligibility to do so.

(c)       A statement of no more than 500 words which will be circulated to the membership, setting out their experience and plans should they be successful in the election.

(d)       Details of a proposer and seconder for their nomination.

A copy of the role profile can be found here 

Steve Woolfe

Nat Treasurer