Alex appointed BMMC National Chair

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Further to the application process for the BMMC Chair position we are pleased to confirm that Alex Hodgkinson, current South West Chair, will  take up the role of Interim Chair of BMMC  until ratification at the AGM in December. 

Alex was the only candidate who fulfilled the requirements of the role, and as per club rule J.2.6 “In the event that there is only one candidate for the vacancy, provided that candidate is eligible under the Companies Act and under the Articles, they will be deemed to have been elected, and will take up their role at the AGM of that year.

Alex has been the South West Regional Chairman since 2020, and the South West RegionalTraining Officer since 2017. Alex has been a member of BMMC since 2012, during which time he has  obtained a Grade 2 Flag and holds a Motorsport UK Trainers Licence.

I am sure you will join the Directors  in wishing Alex well in his new role in the club.