Another busy month completed….

Posted on in From the Chair

Another busy month completed – including my favourite meeting of the year.  Bigger and better than previously the Goodwood Revival returned with a bumper crowd after a years’ absence.  Fabulous racing – a few expensive bumps – mostly driver error or mechanical issues – but good clean racing with decent grids.  What more could you wish for?  We get to do it all again next month at the Members meeting – can’t wait!

CSCC raced into the night at Anglesey at the weekend – more great racing and bumper grids.  If anyone wants to help out, one of our club sponsors the CSCC would welcome more volunteers at Silverstone on Sunday 24 October – 6 races with 60+ cars per race!

Two common themes from these meetings – great racing coupled with very few reports required.  Driving standards are both high and penalised when not adhered to.  This cannot be said for all events and this was discussed at much length at Race Committee meeting – further sub-group meetings to be planned to determine a way forward which can be agreed.  I am sure we all have examples and I would run out of space writing mine here – just to say Motorsport UK are listening and actions will be put in place.

I hope you are processing your Motorsport UK registration renewals – has anyone done the online training too?  Any feedback would be welcomed.  Our own renewal process will be launched in November so please wait until then before trying to renew (those keen ones of you who already have applied will be processed in due course!)

The BMMC regions will be submitting award nominations to Motorsport UK for Volunteer of the Year.  At the same time regions are looking for nominations for their regional awards – these are your awards for our members and it would be great to have more involvement from members in these processes.

Regional AGMs are also being planned – some on Zoom and some in person.  Where possible I hope to attend these and encourage you to do the same – this is your opportunity to hear how your region is doing and get involved.  Into December the National AGM is also being planned via Zoom to encourage attendance.

We recognise that as we have come back to marshalling this year a number of things have had to change and we would welcome your views on these changes in order for us to improve your marshalling experience in 2022.  Please forward your views to your regional committee and maybe there will be the opportunity to put these comments in person as we look to hold some regional informal sessions with our members.  Check out your local news for information.

Out of respect Robert Foote’s funeral took place on 10 September with family and close friends in attendance.  A memorial service to Robert and his late wife Rosemary will be taking place on Friday 15 October which will be attended by Steve Woolfe on behalf of the BMMC.

Nadine Lewis 
BMMC National Chair