Chair Nadine’s November message – tick tock

So the clocks have changed and the nights are drawing in – circuit racing calendars are nearing completion and rallying started in earnest last month with WRGB. See and be seen out there!
Now is the time of year that our regional AGMs and social functions take place. Your chance to have a say in the running of the club and get yourself nominated on to a committee. SE AGM was at Brands Hatch and SM AGM was in the White Horse in Silverstone last month. As well as attending both of these I am aiming to get to NW, MIDS, SW and BRMC – hopefully see you there!
Any gripes about race circuits should be put through the circuit representatives too – mostly BMMC members but check with your local committee if needed.
I missed the NE AGM at the weekend as I was attending Motorsport Days Live at Silverstone – a new concept (second year) aimed at wannabe track day drivers and racers: the chance to try out cars and attend talks on gaining sponsors and legal support. We actually had quite a bit of interest from clubs, series and drivers who want to do a day marshalling – potentially more – and very supportive to ensure we don’t have any cancelled meetings next season! Visits from our club ambassadors too as well as the winners of our ticket giveaway. Next show will be Autosport in January.
And don’t forget the 62nd Annual General meeting of the British Motorsports Marshals’ Club Limited will take place at Jurys Inn, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2HP on Sunday December 1st 2019 at 15.00pm– every member welcome!
At this time of year we look to nominate people for our annual awards – our choices will be revealed at events, training days and social nights where appropriate after our National AGM. We have also put forward each of our regional nominees to Motorsport UK for their annual award ceremony. Let us know if you make their shortlist!!!
I am pleased to say that I have been invited back on to Marshals Advisory Group, Volunteer Officials Committee and Race Committee with Motorsport UK for 2020. There will be some changes with new members on many committees but some people retained for handover purposes. If your application was successful please let me know – if not please apply again next year as changes will happen every year for the next few years as the mix of members of each committee shifts.
And finally – renewals. You will probably have received notification to renew your membership of Motorsport UK. They like us to get in early so that we don’t get held up when all the drivers renew! They should be sent out this month and valid for 2020.
Our own renewal process is not yet open for 2020 – many of our members take advantage of our direct debit scheme which is processed in early January. All membership packs will be distributed early next year – so hang fire! We will send out a reminder once the final quirks of our IT upgrade are ironed out.
One last note – Lille Racewear have advised that they will take final orders for Christmas delivery on 10th December. Any orders placed after that date will be delivered in January.