Chairman Nadine’s November Message
MSA – our regulatory body and our work with them
Each year I attend the MSA for a variety of meetings and this year of visits has come to an end. Nine days this year, in total, for three different groups:
The Marshals Working Group (MWG) of which I am Chair, consists of marshals from various organisations covering all disciplines. The objectives of the Group are to ensure marshals welfare, training and development. The MWG works closely with the Training Working Group (TWG) to ensure training materials are available and up-to-date in all aspects to cover marshals requirements in all disciplines. We also are the review panel for the PRC checks. Main aims for 2019 will be to:
- Confirm changes to Race, Speed and Specialist grading schemes.
- Review Kart grading scheme and determine Drag grading scheme.
- Update / create training materials accordingly with TWG
- Update the Pocket Guide to Marshalling
As Chair of MWG I report to Volunteer Officials Advisory Committee (VOAC) which recognises all volunteer groups – Rescue and Recovery, Clerks, Scrutineers and Timekeepers where we report from each of our Sub-Groups.
As Chair of BMMC I also sit on Race Committee with all areas of racing considered from circuit owners, technical regulations as well as marshals. New regulations are created here as well as reviewed / revised. Any updates I report back through Council as necessary. Topics covered this year of interest has included timetables, toilets (!) and flags as well as marshals posts. Working closely with the circuit owners on all of these.
Unfortunately a few people will be leaving the MSA who have been our help and support (Good luck to Alan Page, Ben Taylor, Simon Blunt and Kate Adamson). So I will be working closely with their successors once they are appointed. Further updates and announcements will be reported in due course so do keep an eye on the reports and news coming from the MSA website and social media outlets.
As always don’t forget to see if you are this months Prize draw winner on the website (yes – the test is to log on and find the right page!)
Talking of Prize draws….
The South East Region bi-monthly newsletter now includes a motorsport based prize quiz as a regular feature. Newsletter editor Bob McEwan has secured support from one of our overalls sponsors ‘Cataclean’ who will generously provide the winner of each quiz with a years supply of their fuel additive products.
Visit the South East region page through the BMMC website, then follow the ‘newsletters’ link, to view their latest ‘interactive’ edition and also for details of how to enter. Entries for the current quiz will close on 12 December 2018. So get those little grey cells working and give it a go… Good luck !!
And why not update your details on the volunteering system – you can select to receive newsletters from any region – then you’ll never miss the SE quiz again!
More info about the volunteering system in the new year – notices will be posted when it’s open etc for 2019.