The 66th AGM of the BMMC

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the British Motorsports Marshals Club will take place this year on Sunday 3rd December 2023 commencing at 14.30 at Motorsport UK, Bicester Heritage Museum OX27 8FY, and, also as a virtual event.
Anyone wishing to attend should email, no later than Friday 24th November 2023, advising in person or virtual in your response.
Reports from Directors (i.e., Regional Chairs and Special Interest Group Chairs) and Executive Officers will be contained in an Annual Report published on the BMMC website after the AGM and will be available to all members.
1/ Attendance and Apologies
2/ Minutes of Previous AGM – To agree the minutes of the 65th AGM of the BMMC Ltd dated December 4th, 2022; available to view on the BMMC website
Note: The proposer and seconder must have attended the 65th AGM
3/ Matters Arising
4/ Chairs Report Nadine Lewis
5/ Secretary’s Report John Edwards
6/ Treasurer’s Report Steve Woolfe
6.1/ Approval of Accounts – (
7/ Election of Officers
7.1/ National Treasurer
8/ Reappointment of Azets as Auditors
9/ Ordinary resolutions
Any general resolution put forward for consideration at the annual general meeting must be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up members and lodged with the National Secretary by 3rd November 2023
10/ Special Resolutions
Any resolution proposing a change to the articles and/or the club rules must be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up members and lodged with the National Secretary by 3rd November 2023
11/ Annual awards
BMMC Marshal of the Year Barrie Williams Trophy
BMMC New Marshal of the Year John Nicol Trophy
BMMC Cadet Marshal of the Year David Leslie Trophy
12/ Any Other Business
13/ Close