The national council, fully appreciates that all members have been touched in some way or another by the corona virus. We would like to show our gratitude for your continued support of the club in a practical way. It has been agreed that, for 2021 a 50% discount to the normal annual subscription fees for those members renewing will apply, therefore –
Adult £10.00
Joint £15.00
Cadet/Student £5.00
Fortunately, the Club’s financial position is strong enough to stand a reduced income in 2021, however to protect our cash inflow this discount will only apply to members renewing between 1st November and 31st January. Thereafter the normal subscriptions rates will apply. New members will pay the full rate.
We will need to make some changes to the payment platform on our website and a further communication will be issued early in October detailing all membership subscription payment options.
2021 Membership payment will be available online from 1st November.