Gathering pace….
So how’s it been? The first month back on track with Motorsport in the U.K. A number of events successfully completed. Lots of learnings. New guidelines to follow. Easing of restrictions. And by the time you read this the first British F1 weekend will be underway.
Hopefully it’s not been too stressful coming back and for those of you who haven’t been back yet it’s a little different and takes a bit of getting used to.
I was at Oulton on the 18 July for the first BRSCC event of the year. Including the Chairman Peter Daly who was racing in the Formula Fords. Having been involved with Motorsport UK writing the guidelines and then being involved in the organising of the event with BRSCC NW you could say I was well versed in the detail!
- Sign on (allocations) – wearing a visor to ensure people could understand my allocation directions rather than through a mask
- On post with a flag marshal and incident marshal only (I was Post Chief)
- social distancing meant the flag marshal had the use of the box and I stood outside (under my BMMC umbrella most of the day!)
- swapping places so I could write a report and send via WhatsApp on a first lap incident (Honda Civics contact and one rolled!).
- The weather was awful, but the grids were good, the racing intense and the crowd expectant and larger than normal for a club meeting – they’ve missed it too! We got through a tight timetable, social distancing mostly maintained and incidents well managed. Phew!
But let’s not be too complacent – the virus is still out there!
Remember the declaration that you sign online asks you to confirm that you have not been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days with symptoms. It’s imperative that everyone is honest when signing on to protect themselves and others. I was recently made aware of someone who had to cancel attendance at an event as they had been advised via the track and trace system that they had close contact with a positive case. Vigilance is key.
And don’t forget about all the countries you visit which may require quarantine on your return – that holiday in Spain is looking less inviting……..
A little reminder about Social Media guidelines – this is also relevant for the media as well. Be very careful what you say to the press – they are looking for a story – so despite your five minutes of fame it may not result in the best outcome. A recent article in The Guardian regarding the British Grand Prix contained information which was not publicly available and has upset a number of marshals attending the event who disagreed with the content.
The FIA, Motorsport UK and myself – on behalf of BMMC – each gave statements (jointly formulated) to the author. If you are unhappy with a situation then discuss this with the right people. Going to the press alienates you from other marshals, creates distrust and can result in serious consequences for the individuals and the reputation of marshals and the sport we love. Let’s not damage our chances of recruiting more marshals and holding further events in the U.K. Please use the proper channels to air grievances.
Our branded face masks have had a high take up rate and there’s more due any day to arrive in stock £6.15 + P&P via Wear it marshalling, wear it to the shops, hairdressers, bank – you’ll probably get some interesting questions! And most of all stay safe.