News: From the Chair

Spring into action!


We’ve had a month of Motorsport in England and now Scotland has the green light for some action.  Hopefully the other devolved powers will follow soon and other disciplines will be able to join in too. It’s a shame that spectators haven’t been allowed but soon they will be back too.  We must continue to follow the guidelines […]

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Motorsport is go……!


On 23 March it was one year since the first U.K. lockdown for COVID-19.  Since then millions of people have been bereaved, both as a result of the virus and due to other causes.  The restrictions we’ve been living under have meant that many people have had to grieve without the comfort of having friends and family […]

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Start your engines……!


Daffodils and crocuses are showing us that Spring is upon us and the news of the roadmap out of lockdown from the government is giving us optimism for Summer. Motorsport UK have confirmed that the racing season can start in England from 29 March and tentatively in Scotland by May and the other devolved powers […]

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February already!?


So January is over and didn’t that go fast?  Or was that just me as work was crazy busy and I didn’t even know what day of the week it was most of the time.  Hopefully things will calm down a bit – can’t get any worse – right?   Our regional volunteering coordinators are in the process […]

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2021 – Happy New Year


Most of us are starting the year in Tier 3 or Tier 4 with immense pressure on our NHS.  This time last year we always thought they did a great job – with a step-daughter as a nurse and clapping for carers raising their profile further in 2020 – I hope you raised a glass in […]

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2020 – end of a year…


I am not normally one for wishing my life away but I think I am not alone to be glad once this year is finally over.  To all those who have suffered this year: personally, physically, financially, psychologically – my heart goes out to you.  If you need support don’t forget your regional committees but also our […]

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No need for Halloween – 2020 is scary enough!


So who wanted to put the clocks back more than an hour?  A month?  How about a year? COVID-19 reached its first birthday in October and we’re all dreading the terrible twos!  Looks like England heading for another lockdown which may affect any events planned for the remainder of the season.  Keep your eyes and ears peeled for updates […]

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Lockdown again!


I started work (from home) on Wednesday morning with a day full of meetings about BREXIT, SAP implementations, graduate mentoring sessions and … updated Pandemic Response Team meeting following the announcement of new lockdown measures in North Wales from 6pm on 1 October. As I live over the border in Cheshire I am as yet […]

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September – really? Already?


Having just finished only my second event at Oulton Park over the Bank holiday weekend (HSCC Gold Cup) and catching up on work emails (Europe didn’t have the extra day so I’ve been busy!) I thought I had better scribble my blog otherwise we will be well in to September! Plenty of events have been […]

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Double header


What a weird and wonderful ten days that was……..British Grand Prix times two! I thought I would take time to reflect on the activities at Silverstone over the last two weekends – the first racing to take place there this year – were the biggest profile events possible so a huge expectation and a monumental effort […]

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Gathering pace….


So how’s it been?  The first month back on track with Motorsport in the U.K.  A number of events successfully completed.  Lots of learnings.  New guidelines to follow.  Easing of restrictions.  And by the time you read this the first British F1 weekend will be underway. Hopefully it’s not been too stressful coming back and for those of you who haven’t […]

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